Volvo Trucks has launched a new service called Charging Management, designed to help transport companies manage the charging of their electric trucks at their own depots. This service is part of Volvo’s ongoing efforts to expand its electric vehicle support offerings.


Source: Volvo

The Charging Management service aims to improve productivity and reduce downtime by ensuring fleet trucks are adequately charged for planned operations. It also seeks to minimise unplanned charging sessions.

Key features of the service include:

  • Creation of charging plans
  • Notifications for deviations from the charging plan
  • Visual overview of truck charging processes
  • Battery level and charging status display
  • Charging session reports for vehicles and chargers

Johan Östberg, Electromobility service owner at Volvo Trucks, said: “Charging is a key area when operating an electric truck. This service helps haulers ensure their trucks are charged and ready for the next transport mission.”

In 2023, Volvo Trucks introduced Volvo Open Charge, a service for public charging. This tool helps users locate and access public charging stations. Payment for charging is possible at stations where Volvo has partnerships. The company plans to add a booking feature for charging times in the future. Volvo Open Charge is currently available in Sweden and the Netherlands, with plans for expansion to other countries.

Both Charging Management and Volvo Open Charge are accessible through Volvo Connect, the company’s digital services interface for customers.