Sepur, a waste collection and management company, has received 18 Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide to collect residential rubbish in Paris’s 13th district. These all-electric rubbish collection trucks are already in operation on the streets of Paris, with no local CO2 emissions or noise pollution.
To satisfy the Paris Climate Plan’s carbon footprint reduction and climate change objectives, the rubbish of the 13th District’s residents is now collected by all-electric refuse vehicles. The municipality has taken a significant stride forward in lowering its environmental footprint and increasing the quality of life for its citizens.
Sepur, a garbage collection and management specialist, has placed a fleet of completely electric vehicles in daily operation to collect the waste of the 180,000 residents of Paris’ 13th District. From now on, 18 Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide bodied by Semat will carry out around 100 collections each week, saving 21 tonnes of CO2 emissions per week as compared to natural gas-powered trucks.
“It’s in our DNA to offer local authorities the most sustainable transport possible. Since 2014, we’ve been converting our fleet to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. We’ve set ourselves the goal of eliminating diesel-powered vehicles from all our collections by 2025”, announced Sepur CEO, Youri Ivanov.
“Electric mobility is the cornerstone of Renault Trucks’ strategy for carbon-free transport. We’re aiming for 50% of our sales to be electric by 2030 and, by 2040, all the vehicles we sell will run entirely without fossil fuels”, explained Bruno Blin, President of Renault Trucks. “The commissioning of these 18 electric refuse collection vehicles marks an important step in the city’s progress towards clean and sustainable mobility. We are proud to play a role in this, alongside Sepur.”