RMI, a US-based sustainability research and think tank organisation, has unveiled GridUp, a new tool designed to forecast energy and power demands for electric vehicle (EV) charging, developed with support from FedEx.


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The tool provides forecasts at the census-block group level, offering detailed information to assist decision-makers in planning grid upgrades. It can project EV power needs, helping utilities, cities, and states make informed decisions about infrastructure investments.

Clay Stranger, managing director at RMI, stated: “One of the most consequential barriers to widespread transportation electrification is the grid’s ability to reliably provide the power required for vehicle charging. GridUp addresses this barrier by projecting when and where EVs will need power with granular detail, enabling utilities, cities, and states to make informed planning and investment decisions.”

GridUp offers insights into areas of high EV growth, energy requirements for charging, and the types of charging locations needed in specific areas. For example, the tool indicates that EV charging in Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, may require energy equivalent to nearly 68,000 single-family homes by 2035.

Pat Donlon, vice president of Global Vehicles at FedEx, commented on the importance of grid capacity for fleet electrification: “You can order all the electric vehicles in the world over the next few years, but none of that matters if the grid capacity isn’t there to support charging them. That’s why supporting a tool like GridUp is so vital to help utilities understand and plan for increased electricity needs from having more personal and commercial EVs on the road.”

RMI has been piloting GridUp since 2021, working with utilities and regulators to refine the tool. The organisation has also released an Electrification 101 series, exploring challenges and opportunities in transportation electrification.

Industry partners have expressed support for the tool. Mike Roeth, Executive Director of the North American Council on Freight Electrification, said: “We’re looking at thousands of vehicle fleets trying to connect across thousands of utility service territories, each with their own complex systems. To handle a shift at that scale, we need a forward-looking, holistic view on how transportation electrification will play out, which is where GridUp comes in.”

Steven Hershkowitz Managing Director for Clean Transportation at the Washington State Department of Commerce, added: ”RMI’s GridUp tool helps us and our local partners make stronger decisions about budget requests, program design, grid distribution plans, and EV-ready building codes.”