Renewable energy company, Newton Energi, has taken a step towards tackling plastic waste and reducing carbon emissions by submitting plans for Europe’s first zero-carbon plant that will convert waste plastic into hydrogen fuel.
Newton Energi, a UK-based renewable energy company, has announced its involvement in building Europe’s first zero carbon plant that will convert waste plastic into hydrogen fuel. The fuel production plant, located in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, will be the first of seven planned hydrogen plants in the UK over the next five years. The Rotherham plant will produce 70mW/h of hydrogen per day and the company is aiming to prove that zero carbon hydrogen can be a commercially viable solution to replace existing fossil fuels. The plant will be fully self-sufficient, requiring no fossil fuels to function and will divert 10,500 tonnes of waste plastic from landfill each year.
The hydrogen produced at the Rotherham plant will be designed to be used in those sectors with the highest diesel use, such as construction, infrastructure, outdoor events, road haulage, and back-up power. The operation of the plant will be carried out by 35 full-time engineers, electricians, and managers and will also employ five apprenticeships for local school leavers every five years, teaching engineering, electrical and hydrogen-based skills for the future of hydrogen production in the UK.