Lhyfe, one of the world’s pioneers in the production of green hydrogen, has announced it will be supplying the hydrogen refuelling station at France’s first dedicated hydrogen truck centre for excellence when it opens later this year.


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The new centre, located in Villabé (Essonne), 30 km south of Paris along the A6 motorway, is set to officially open in September. It includes a refuelling station and a maintenance facility specifically designed for hydrogen-powered heavy goods vehicles (HGVs). This follows the commercial deployment of H2-retrofitted hydrogen trucks by companies such as Point P with hauliers the Berto Group and Labatut, and Toyota with the Bert&You group.

The centre features:

  • A green hydrogen refuelling station for HGVs, offering fast refuelling with an initial compression capacity of 350 bars, which will later be increased to 700 bars.
  • A maintenance centre for hydrogen-powered HGVs, staffed by professionals trained in this advanced technology.

At this public station, HGVs will be able to refuel in approximately 20 minutes with green hydrogen supplied by Lhyfe, France’s leading provider of green and renewable hydrogen. The first hydrogen vehicles retrofitted by Hyliko are already operational, serving Point P’s haulage operators, the Berto Group, Labatut LVI, Bert&You, and Toyota.

Matthieu Guesné, Founder and CEO of Lhyfe, stated: “Heavy mobility, and road transport in particular, is one of the key sectors for decarbonisation. The HGV fuel chain, which has been developing for several months, is now ready and complete – we’re proud to be part of France’s first centre of excellence for hydrogen trucks. Haulage operators need hydrogen vehicles, green hydrogen, refuelling stations, and maintenance centres to service them. This complete chain has just been presented in the Paris region, and it’s a major step forward for hydrogen mobility.”